Your parenting* journey is both unique to you and your family and part of a shared, timeless human growth process. It is formed moment by moment, choice by choice and accumulates over time into a general relationship pattern that serves as your child’s template for interacting with the world.Resource:
Parenting Journey’s life-changing strategies have been adapted across cultures, generations and contexts, with parents/caregivers who speak English, Spanish, French, Kirundi, Mandarin, Cantonese, and more. It is an equity-based approach that recognizes that the well-being and development of children and youth are influenced by a wide range of factors including family support, inner strengths, and social connections.
Personal Parenting Journey: A Mum’s Honest Reflections
Originally from San Francisco, Julie Lythcott-Haims’ professional path has been a bit rocky. She’s been a corporate lawyer, dean of law students at Stanford University, a best-selling author, and a city councilwoman in Palo Alto, California. But it was her harrowing experience raising a teen son that led her to found Parenting Journey, an organization that supports families with complex and challenging circumstances.
Parenting Journey’s founder Anne Peretz, MA, LPC, and her team of clinical staff, developed the program by applying principles from family systems theory and trauma-informed practice. They partnered with families, searching for their hidden strengths and supporting them in creating their own solutions to complex problems. Today, Parenting Journey’s scalable model is used in over 500 non-profit partners across the country and internationally. It is delivered in homes, schools and community centers; in the field and on phones; via video conference, live chat and text message; and through virtual groups during the pandemic.