Unlike conventional medicine, which treats the patient as a problem to be treated, Integrative Medicine is centered around the patient and their individual needs. This type of care is about healing the whole person, including their emotional and spiritual well-being. It also includes a holistic approach to healing, which takes into consideration all the factors that influence your health: Biological, behavioral, psychosocial and environmental.
Integrative Medicine isn’t just a trendy term, but an approach to healthcare that promotes the integration of traditional therapies with scientifically sound treatment options. It’s a way of treating the body as a whole, which involves a collaborative relationship between you and your practitioner to consider all the appropriate remedies.
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An integrative medicine practitioner may be a medical doctor, nurse practitioner, naturopath, chiropractor, acupuncturist, or mental health professional. The education and licensing requirements for these practitioners vary widely, as do their areas of expertise. Typically, integrative specialists apply holistic practices to their area of specialty practice (such as cardiology, oncology, hormone replacement therapy or gut health) and work closely with primary care physicians and conventionally trained specialist providers.
Future Integrative Medicine (FIM) publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed original research articles, reviews, opinions, commentaries, case reports and study protocols that examine the underlying mechanisms of traditional medicine and alternative therapies. It seeks to provide the most comprehensive overview and evaluation of current knowledge and the potential to advance future innovation in the field of Integrative Medicine.
417 Integrative Medicine
Address: 1335 E Republic Rd D, Springfield, MO 65804, United States
Phone: +14173633900